Legislative Alerts!

For more information go to www.wrightlaw.org
NATIONAL: sign-up for ndss.org and/or ndccenter.org
STATE: sign-up at www.gcdd.org
www.vote-smart.org to identify your legislators
www. legis.state.ga.us your legislators
1-800-282-5800 House information
1-800-282-5803 Senate Information
NATIONAL: sign-up for ndss.org and/or ndccenter.org
STATE: sign-up at www.gcdd.org
www.vote-smart.org to identify your legislators
www. legis.state.ga.us your legislators
1-800-282-5800 House information
1-800-282-5803 Senate Information
Georgia's Leadership
The Honorable Nathan Deal- 203 State Capital, Atlanta, Ga 30334; 404-656-1776, http://gov.state.ga.us
Dekalb County Interim CEO
Dekalb County School Superintendent![]() Dr. R. Stephen Green
1701 Mountain Industrial Blvd, Stone Mountain, Ga 30083 678-676-1200 Office 678-676-2845 Fax Regional Superintendent(s): Region 1: Cynthia Brictson 678-676-1105 Region 2: Trenton Arnold 678-676-0671 Region 3: Raclel Zeigler 678-676-1079 Region 4: Mr. A. Tatum, Interim 678-676-2845 Region 5: Dr. Ralph Simpson www.dekalb.k12.ga.us |
PCA -Partnership for the Community, Inc

815 Park North Blvd.,Clarkston, Georgia 30021; 404-929-2500
There are programs available to children and adults.
There are programs available to children and adults.
Elaine Clarke Center & Heart of Hope Academy![]() Located at 5130 Peachtree Blvd., Chamblee, Ga 30341; 770- 458-3241.
www.elaineclarkecenter.org |
Did You Know ...
Did you know that all children with disabilities are to be educated to the "maximum extent" with children who do not have disabilities.
Federal Law I.D.E.A. sec. 612.5 (A) Did you know Inclusion is an educational approach and philosophy that provides all students with community membership and greater opportunities for academic and social achievement. Inclusion is about making sure that each and every student feels welcome and that their unique needs and learning styles are attended to and valued. Inclusion has two sub-types. The first is sometimes called regular inclusion or partial inclusion and the other is called full inclusion, Charlie Marie Jones, Inclusion Specialist Did You Know ... Free access pass to national parks for families with special needs What is the Access Pass? The Access Pass is a free lifetime pass to over 2000 federally owned parks in the USA. If you live in the USA, chances are that one of these parks is near you. For parks that charge admission per vehicle, everyone who is in the vehicle with the Access Pass holder is admitted for free (for individual tours and campsites, there may be discounts, but fees still have to be paid). This includes sites operated by: The National Park Service (includes all National Parks, National Monuments, National Historic Sites and more), USDA Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation & Bureau of Land Management Who is eligible? The Access Pass is available to US citizens or permanent residents of all ages who have a permanent disability. A permanent disability is a physical, mental or sensory impairment that severely limits one or more life activities. In the application for the Access Pass, the applicant must prove the existence of a permanent disability with one of the following documents: Statement by a licensed physician, Document issued by Federal agency such as the Veteran’s Administration, Social Security Disability Income, or Supplemental Security Income, Document issued by a State agency such as a vocational rehabilitation agency. http://store.usgs.gov/pass/access.html |